github_iconnpm_iconVersion: 5.0.2
customMessageView on GitHub

Validation error message of a rule can be customized by passing customMessage param to the rule.

Validation Result: validationresultvalid
[ { "path": "val1", "ruleSet": [ "required", { "rule": "length", "greaterThan": 8, "customMessage": "This field's length is ${value}, however it should be greater than ${comparisonValue}" } ] }, { "path": "val2", "ruleSet": [ "required", { "rule": "length", "equalTo": 5, "customMessage": e=>e.value>e.comparisonValue?`This field's length should be ${e.comparisonValue}, your input's (${e.value}) is greater than this value`:`This field's length should be ${e.comparisonValue}, your input's (${e.value}) is less than this value` } ] }, { "path": "val3", "ruleSet": [ "required", { "rule": "myCustomRule2", "customMessage": "Hello, this is myCustomRule2 customMessage. This field is not valid, because text ${value} should either include letter 'a' or its length should be greater than 4" } ] }, { "path": "val4", "ruleSet": [ { "rule": "required", "customMessage": { "type": "span", "key": null, "ref": null, "props": { "children": [ "This field is ", { "type": "b", "key": null, "ref": null, "props": { "children": " required " }, "_owner": null } ] }, "_owner": null } }, { "rule": "length", "equalTo": 6, "customMessage": e=>(0,p.jsxs)("span",{children:["This field","'","s length should be ",(0,p.jsxs)("b",{children:[e.comparisonValue," "]}),", your input length is"," ",(0,p.jsxs)("b",{children:[" ",e.value," "]})]}) } ] } ]