github_iconnpm_iconVersion: 5.0.2

Path is a string value that is used to access any value on the formData using lodash get method.

This table shows how to use path and listPath keys for the following code.

Path TypeUsage Example
Update value of first level childsetPathValue('child1', newValue)
Update value of second level childsetPathValue('child3.subchild1', newValue)
Update value of list's element at 0th indexsetPathValue('listChild[0]', newValue)
Update value of list of object's element at 0th index with key subkey1setPathValue('listChild[0].subkey1', newValue)
Get value of first level childgetValue('child1')
Get value of second level childgetValue('child3.subchild1')
Get value of list's element at 0th indexgetValue('listChild[0]')
Get value of list of object's element at 0th index with key subkey1getValue('listChild[0].subkey1')
Get error of first level childgetError('child1')
Get error of second level childgetError('child3.subchild1')
Get error of list's element at 0th indexgetError('listChild{0}')
Get error of list of object's element at 0th index with key subkey1getError('listChild{0}.subkey1')
Unset value and key of first level childunsetPathValue('child1')
Unset value and key of second level childunsetPathValue('child3.subchild1')
Unset value and key of list's element at 0th indexunsetPathValue('listChild[0]')
Unset value and key of list of object's element at 0th index with key subkey1unsetPathValue('listChild[0].subkey1')
////////////-- example rules --/////////// const rules = [ { path: 'child1', ruleSet: ['required'] }, { path: 'child2', ruleSet: ['required'] }, { path: 'child3.subchild1', ruleSet: ['required'] }, { path: 'child3.subchild2', ruleSet: ['required'] }, { listPath: 'listChild', subRules: [ {path: 'subkey1', ruleSet: ['required', { rule: 'length', greaterThan: 3 }]}, {path: 'subkey2', ruleSet: [{rule: 'required', }, { rule: 'number', greaterThan: 5 }]} ] }, {path: 'listChild', ruleSet: [{ rule: 'required'}, { rule: 'listSize', greaterThan: 2 }]} ]; ////////////-- example formData --/////////// const formData = { child1: "child1 value", child2: "child2 value", child3: { subchild1: "child3 subchild1 value", subchild2: "child3 subchild2 value", }, listChild: [ { subkey1: "list 0th element subkey1 value", subkey2: "list 0th element subkey2 value", }, { subkey1: "list 1st element subkey1 value", subkey2: "list 1st element subkey2 value", } ] }; ////////////-- example validationError result object --/////////// const validationError = { "child1": "This field is required", // first level child "child2": "This field is required", // first level child "child3.subchild1": "This field is required", // second level child "child3.subchild2": "This field is required", // second level child "listChild": "This field is required", // first level list child "listChild{0}.subkey1": "This field is required", // list of object's child "listChild{0}.subkey2": "This field is required", // list of object's child "listChild{1}.subkey1": "This field is required", // list of object's child "listChild{1}.subkey2": "This field is required", // list of object's child }